Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Quiet, Please - An Update

It's been a few weeks since I gave a full update about my book, which everyone should know by now I hate to shamelessly promote (and by shamelessly I mean, pre-order on Amazon.com now! I have a wedding to pay for! (and if your sick of me saying that, I don't care)) so I will use this space now to do so.

I have finished proofing my proof copy, and have recieved my advance readers copy (note to reader: the proof copy is my last chance to change things in the book (although nothing major) and the advance readers copy is a bound, uncorrected, copy of the book that is sent to print and media publications). I very happy and excited about the finished product.

My goal from the beginning was to write a book that was different; not just in content but in style. I wanted to have commercial breaks, I wanted to have footnotes and lots of them, I wanted long chapter titles, and, perhaps most pointlessly, I wanted an intermission. In short, I wanted the reader to open this book and know that they were getting into something unusual. I wanted the book to read like a library--information and facts coming from all corners.

This book isn't just about my life; it's about the life of the library. When I open the the advance copy of the book, a part of it looked like a library. Needless to say I'm very thrilled with it, and hope I can have more up soon--like cover art and a sample chapter or two.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pre-ordered two copies: one for me and one for the library I work at. I have a feeling my co-workers will love it.

Can't wait until it comes out!